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  • Weinrote Abiballkleider Lang Glitzer | Abendkleider mit Spitze Ärmel

    [Artikelnummer: SBC9849]

    5.0 13
    US$  299. 00
    Farbe: Bitte Wählen Sie Farbe

    Für Maße Anfertig bitte geben Sie uns Ihre Maße Detail und achten Sie auch auf der Gebühr  US$ 30.00  

    Bitte Wählen Sie:
    E.Von Höhle bis Boden():
    F.Von Höhle bis Knie():
    *G.Von scheitel Bis Boden():
    Schneidzeit: 15-20 Tage
    Lieferdauer: 5-10 Tage

    Schneller Lieferung ( DHL,UPS):5-10

    Standard Liefer (EMS,E-packet):20-25

    Beschreibung Maßetabelle Farbentabelle


    Beschreibung Maßetabelle Farbentabelle
    Produktname: Weinrote Abiballkleider Lang Glitzer | Abendkleider mit Spitze Ärmel
    Artikelnummer: D167756748547477
    Farbe: Wie Bild,Weiß,Elfenbein,Rosa,Bonbon Rosa,Perlen Rosa,Altrosa,Wassermelonen,Rot,Fuchsia,Weinrot,Schokolade,Braun,Golden,Chamagner,Orange,Gelb,Gelb,Regency,Purpur,Lila,Lavendel,Himmel Blau,Blau,Meerblau,König Blau,Tintenblau,Navy Blau,Schwarz,Silber,Dunkel Grün,Jade,Grün,Salbeigrün,Mint Grün
    Maß: EU 32,EU 34,EU 36,EU 38,EU 40,EU 42,EU 44,EU 46,EU 44 G,EU 46 G,EU 48,EU 50,EU 52,EU 54,EU 56
    Kategorie: Abiballkleider Abendkleider
    Anlasse: Party,
    Rücken: Reißverschluss
    Jahrezeit: Frühling,Sommer,Herbst,Winter
    Ausschnitt: Herz Ausschnitt
    Stoff: Tüll,Spitze
    Schnitt: Meerjungfrau Stil
    Stil: altmodisch,elegant
    Silhouette: Normal
    Ärmelart: Langarm
    Länge: Bodenlang
    Verzierung: Applikation,Rüschen

    Was glaubten die Anderen?

    • Basierend auf 13 Bewertungen
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    I ordered the dress for myself, I must say I was a little worried about ordering online. I went for the custom made dress. When the dress arrived about three weeks after the purchase, I couldn't wait to see it! It was perfect and fitted my perfectly, I couldn't be happier!


    I was very worried when I decided to order so I read all the reviews about this dress. To help others like me, I will write a detailed one as well. The color is exactly what I expected for and I loved it. Tailoring is surprisingly good. I couldnt find any errors on seams nor cuts. I am looking forward to wearing this dress. My mother, my sister and friends liked it a lot too. Overall, great choice!


    Dress is priceless. If you love cocosbride dress to think twice about buying this one! Perfect and affordable. Expedited shipping and custom measurements. Although one of the sizes was nearly perfect for me I was afraid of the lenght. It fits very well. I recommend the dress and cocosbride to everyone.


    This dress was perfect and my daughter was beautiful on her prom!


    My daughter birthday is approaching and she didn't know what she wanted. I've been looking on this site but still had reservations about ordering. I clicked chat and felt with a fabulous woman who found her the perfect dress. Now we are looking for her dress she dances with her father too. Great experience thank you so much!


    Purchased a dress from this company, its fits great, and received it on time. Will definitely recommend to my friends.


    Thank you, I really like it and it's in a really good quality. Gorgeous dress !! The way I thought.


    i find this dress very sexy. the length is just perfect for my height..


    I bought this dress 1 month and a half ago in red, loved it so much I bought it again in red for my friends. Really is a beautiful dress. made beautifully I ordered and paid for it and received it within a month. It's a great web site and I recommend it to everyone. For sure I shall be using your sit again. Very many thanks.


    I just got this dress today.OMG! It is gorgeous! I was speechless and looks exactly like picture.Very good quality,the dress fits perfectly. I was skeptical to order a dress for a special occasion online, but the dress is very well made at the best price. Thank you.

    Weinrote Abiballkleider Lang Glitzer | Abendkleider mit Spitze Ärmel
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