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[Artikelnummer: BM0752]
Für Maße Anfertig bitte geben Sie uns Ihre Maße Detail und achten Sie auch auf der Gebühr US$ 30.00
Schneller Lieferung ( DHL,UPS):5-10
Standard Liefer (EMS,E-packet):20-25
Produktname: | BM0752 Elegantes langes Brautjungfernkleid in A-Linie mit Rüschen und V-Ausschnitt |
Artikelnummer: | B156300947302522 |
Farbe: | Weiß,Elfenbein,Rosa,Bonbon Rosa,Perlen Rosa,Altrosa,Wassermelonen,Rot,Fuchsia,Weinrot,Schokolade,Braun,Golden,Chamagner,Orange,Khaki,Gelb,Gelb,Regency,Purpur,Lila,Lavendel,Himmel Blau,Blau,Meerblau,König Blau,Tintenblau,Navy Blau,Schwarz,Silber,Dunkel Grün,Jade,Türkisch,Grün,Salbeigrün,Mint Grün,staubgrau,Morgennebel blau,Nebelblau,staubiges blau,staubiger Salbei,Orchidee,Glyzinie,Maulbeere,Koralle,Stahlgrau,Cabernet,Rost Rot,Smaragd Grün,Jahrgang lila |
Maß: | EU 32,EU 34,EU 36,EU 38,EU 40,EU 42,EU 44,EU 46,EU 44 G,EU 46 G,EU 48,EU 50,EU 52,EU 54,EU 56 |
Kategorie: | Brautjungfernkleider |
Anlasse: | Strand,Kirche,Garten,Halle |
Rücken: | Reißverschluss |
Jahrezeit: | Frühling,Sommer,Herbst,Winter |
Ausschnitt: | V Ausschnitt |
Stoff: | 100D Chiffon,Polyester |
Schnitt: | A Linie |
Silhouette: | Normal |
Ärmelart: | Ärmellos |
Taille: | Natürlich |
Länge: | Bodenlang |
Verzierung: | Drapiert |
I received this dress last Saturday. The design of this dress are really well. I will recommend this dress to any one I know. This fantastic dress suits me a lot!
The dresses arrived yesterday and are exactly as ordered. You made our experience effortless and we will gladly recommend you to friends and relatives.
Beautiful dress just can make my bridesmaids looks gorgeous though.
This dress is a perfect example a less expensive plus amazing dress. The orange bridesmaid dress fitting and all in a very less price is very good.
Got these dresses in dark navy for my four bridesmaids, they arrived this morning and are stunning.
I got this bridesmaid dress and it's great, high quality and beautiful dress. Thank you.
Dress was heavier and of a nice feeling material but was extremely short wasted and the built-in bra was a bit too small for the size of the dress. I can't recommendation d this dress for anyone with a D or larger cup Smaller breasted may find this a really nice dress
Thank you for your hard work on my dress. I appreciate your communication with the factory. Thanks again
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful service. I was a little hesitant with online ordering but the dresses were so much cheaper and turned out perfect. The customer service was excellent and always kept me informed of the whereabouts of the dresses. Thanks for a great experience and helping to make my wedding special!
Beautiful!!! I'm very like it!