[Artikelnummer: ZY1997]
Für Maße Anfertig bitte geben Sie uns Ihre Maße Detail und achten Sie auch auf der Gebühr US$ 20.00
Schneller Lieferung ( DHL,UPS):5-10
Standard Liefer (EMS,E-packet):20-25
Produktname: | Elegante schwarze lange Meerjungfrau-Schatz-Pailletten-Abschlussballkleider mit Schlitz |
Artikelnummer: | D169182263728441 |
Farbe: | Wie Bild,Weiß,Elfenbein,Rosa,Bonbon Rosa,Perlen Rosa,Altrosa,Wassermelonen,Rot,Fuchsia,Weinrot,Schokolade,Braun,Golden,Chamagner,Orange,Gelb,Gelb,Regency,Purpur,Lila,Lavendel,Himmel Blau,Blau,Meerblau,König Blau,Tintenblau,Navy Blau,Schwarz,Silber,Dunkel Grün,Jade,Grün,Salbeigrün,Mint Grün |
Maß: | EU 32,EU 34,EU 36,EU 38,EU 40,EU 42,EU 44,EU 46,EU 44 G,EU 46 G,EU 48,EU 50,EU 52,EU 54,EU 56 |
Kategorie: | Abiballkleider Abendkleider |
Rücken: | Reißverschluss |
Jahrezeit: | Frühling,Sommer,Herbst,Winter |
Ausschnitt: | Herz Ausschnitt |
Stoff: | Pailletten |
Schnitt: | Meerjungfrau Stil |
Stil: | einfach,elegant |
Silhouette: | Normal |
Ärmelart: | Ärmellos |
Länge: | Bodenlang |
Verzierung: | Rüschen |
Perfect length and good fit. No need to make any changes.
Was looking for a simple dress for the party I was attending and couldn't find anything suitable in the shops. So I came to visit this shop and changed my mind after seeing this dress. It is so beautiful. Pleased with the dress I got. It looks perfect in person.
This dress looked amazing!! The color and quality we're exactly what I wanted.
I was worried the dress would look cheap but the material is comfortable and strong! I sent over my height to the customer service. So glad to get such a fit dress.
I wanted to let you all know that i had such a wonderful experience I will definately let my other plus size friends know about your beautiful dresses.
hi i ordered the Burgundy color in this dress and it is gorgeous fit me very well and i love it thank you Cocosbride
Extremely nice service. This gown is beautiful and really love it!
I fell in love with the dress when I saw it first time. now you really make me amazed. thanks for your skillful dressmakers.
I finally wore the dress ... I just made ??a change to the hemline ... just a lot of compliments! Thanks
The colour is really beautiful. Surely stand me out in the crowd. Very satisfied with the dress.